803-977-4016 eric@eandsdirect.net

The information shared in this webinar by Novae’s Credit & Money Company CEO is invaluable! Protect your family, don’t let the State decide your estate. Costly court battles can be avoided by having a trust or will in place. You will understand the in and outs of having a trust or will to secure your legacy. This is a must see webinar!  Don’t depend on a GoFund Me campaign, because over 50% fall short leaving your loved ones wondering how are they going to bury you instead giving you a great home going. Over 70% to 73% of black and brown families don’t have trusts or wills. It is because of the lack of financial literacy that we continue stay at the bottom of the economic ladder instead of climbing it. It is time for us to rise and become the people GOD has called us to be!   

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children – Proverbs 13:22 KJV




Trust or Will 


E & S Direct LLC